
The project organization and the tasks to complete the standard plus verification & validation using a commonly developed reference implementation are currently in discussion. So the following setup is preliminary.

Focus Areas

Successful Standardization needs more than a Standard: A Reference Implementation plus Verification & Validation. Certification is needed later on once the standard is established and software products are developed and released.

CASCaDE Focus Areas


Three teams are responsible for the focus areas. It is important that a reference implementation is made available and V&V is done in parallel to preparing the standard.

It‘s about collaboration, so let‘s collaborate.

CASCaDE Project Organization

Proposal for agile project management:

CASCaDE MetamodelDevelopment of schema and constraints ("syntax") as part of the standardSubmission Team
CASCaDE OntologyDevelopment of terms/concepts ("semantics") as part of the standardSubmission Team
CASCaDE OperationsDevelopment of operations as part of the standardSubmission Team
CASCaDE TransformationsDevelopment of transformations as part of the standardSubmission Team
CASCaDE Reference ImplementationReference implementationDevelopment Team
CASCaDE Verification and ValidationVerificiation and validation of the standard using the reference implementationV&V Team


The teams responsible for reference implementation resp. verification and validation are looking for funding. The work will begin, if a minimum capacity of 4 full-time-equivalent (FTE) team members are committed.

Organizations contributing to the effort will form a stakeholder committee defining the priority of backlog items and reviewing the results per iteration (“sprint”).

OrganizationPotential Roles20252026
enso managers GmbH, BerlinSoftware Architect, Product Owner0.4 FTE0.4 FTE

Why Open Source ?

Join Forces for Quality and Speed

Publicly available reference implementation and test cases support standard quality and speed of adoption. Examples of successful collaborations are:

  • The German Car Industry has built an ecosystem with a shared supply chain from the beginning. The sparking plug has been produced by Robert Bosch; the OEMs did not build it themselves.
  • INSTA Elektro GmbH has been founded by competing GIRA, Jung and Berker to share the cost of electronics development (dimmers, timers etc.).
  • All web-browsers (Firefox, Edge, Chrome, Safari, Opera and many others) use one of the open-source engines Gecko, WebKit or Blink. Opera and even Microsoft have abandoned their own browser engines in favor of an open-source product.

Why should software-vendors develop the standard core-features of CASCaDE independently by themselves? And why debug towards interoperability later on?

Benefits of an Open-Source “Community Edition”

for Software Users for Software Vendors
  • Direct influence on features and priorities
  • First „Minimal Viable Product“ within a year
  • Early evaluation and pilot projects
  • Smaller organizations (suppliers) can participate in collaboration and data exchange with minor cost
  • Reference for compatibility and interoperability
  • Independent certification of software products
  • „Basic Features“ (Kano) don‘t allow differentiation and are commonly developed; lots of cost saved
  • Discussion and support by voluntary contributors
  • Market-proven base for „Enterprise Editions“ with professional features
  • Solution gets known without marketing effort
  • Proven marketing approach for innovative software products
  • Many successful examples not only in the US, but also in Europe